For in and out, above, below,

‘Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,

Play’d in a Box whose Candle is the Sun,

Round which we Phantom Figures come and go

O. Khayyam

KHARABAT  is a term taken from Persian poetry that means ‘house in ruins’ and is used as a metaphor for the world.

The show describes a world in ruins where humanity is represented by silhouettes; shadows that pass by and dissolve.

Liberally inspired by the poems of Omar Khayyam, Kharabat weaves its narrative through friendship and the impermanence of things, the destiny and raison de être of humankind, across love and other vain territory. Illuminating and obscuring life, pleasure and death, leaving only the naked earth.

A show about the fragility of existence, friendship, love and death; about life that ends and begins again.

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Puppet and shadows show lasting 40 minutes for all kinds of audiences.

Non verbal.

Black box conditions recommended.

Script, Direction and Manipulation:  Andrea Lorenzetti

Live Music:  Alexander Agranov

Paintings:  Anna McNeil

Photos:  Jesus Atienza

Special thanks to:  C.ia Dromosofista, Pep Gomez, Karl Stets, Merlin Puppet, Bolivianau, Philippa Young.